Laboratory and Quality Control: Polymer Karan Company, with suitable laboratory facilities and efficient personnel in the quality sector, oversees and controls the production process at all stages, from raw material entry, compound production, product manufacturing, packaging, and shipment to the customer warehouse. The control stages are designed according to OPC created in the engineering unit for each product and prepared as a control or test plan for each specific part, provided to the relevant parties.

The company’s laboratory currently has the following physical and mechanical test devices and equipment for determining compound curing conditions:

  • Tensile Test Machine: For determining tensile strength, elongation at break, modulus, and tear resistance
  • Rheometer: Device for determining curing conditions (rheometer)
  • Durometer: Hardness tester
  • Compression Set: Tool for determining compression set
  • Oven: Precise laboratory oven for conducting thermal resistance and aging (timing) tests
  • Sensitive digital balance for measuring density and resistance to solvents and oils
  • Various specific tools for performance and assembly testing